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Paul Meseke


Paul Meseke

I am so privileged to be the Pastor to all the members of Christ Lutheran Congregation. We are truly a church that is a family, sometimes that's good and sometimes that's great. We love our Lord and love those that we worship with each Sunday. Many who have come to Christ Lutheran to worship have found this church to be friendly and welcoming.

Entering into my 20+ years of ministry, I have learned a great deal, and found out that God does not change, but rather I need to apply the Word of God to people in an ever changing world. We believe it is by grace that we are saved, through faith as the Word of God tells us, in St. Paul's letter to the Roman church in chapter 3:21ff.

I consider myself to be a "Blue collar" Pastor. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty with the people and take great joy in working with members of the congregation in the various projects around the church. It is important that I am genuine in ministry and honestly, I preach to me.

I invite everyone to join with us at Christ Lutheran Church, we are not perfect, we ARE forgiven and forgiving! I invite you to talk with me about Christ Lutheran Church and invite you to be our guest at Christ Lutheran Church.

questions e-mail me at

or call 352-796-8331

May the Lord bless Your days,

Paul Meseke, Pastor